Greens can be added to your organization from both the RoastPATH Portal and the RoastPATH App. Instructions for both processes are detailed below.
How to Add a New Green on the RoastPATH Portal
Navigate to Greens page in the RoastPATH Portal. Click 'My Roastery' in the top right navigation bar. Then click 'Greens' in the upper left menu.
Click the 'Add New Green' button on the upper right of the greens screen. Greens can be added 3 different ways:
- Import with a RoastPATH ID
- RoastPATH IDs are 11 digit numbers that serve as a short cut to entering in details on a specific Single Origin Green. The information provided will come directly from the supplier/importer and numbers are specific to those suppliers/importers. As we onboard more suppliers, RoastPATH IDs will be limited. Mill City Roasters is providing RoastPATH IDs for any greens that pass through our facility from Cafe Imports. Those IDs can be found on under each respective green. Blends do not have RoastPATH IDs because they are multiple single origin coffees blended together.
- Import with Supplier No/Sku
- Select Importer/Supplier from the dropdown.
- Enter the Supplier Item No (SKU).
- Manually Enter All Data
- Nickname: Your internal name for a green. This can be edited at any time and is not required to be unique.
- Active/Inactive: Check on and off to track availability of a green within your roastery.
- Sample: Mark a green as a sample. On the greens screen, samples will be marked with an (S) icon. Pro-Tip: When you use a sample green to create a sample coffee, that coffee will be automatically noted with an (S) on your coffee page to help you track the roast profiles of your samples.
- Contract Section: Record information about supplier, contract, and delivery as required/preferred.
- Greens Details Section: Record information about origin and varietal as required/preferred.
Adding a New Green in the RoastPATH App
1. Click the 3 lines in the Upper Left
2. Click "GREENS"
3. Click "ADD NEW GREEN"
4. If you have a RoastPATH ID for the Green, enter it here:
5. To enter Green Details manually, Click here:
6. Once done, Click "Save"
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