Get Connected
- Register for RoastPATH
- Getting Around: RoastPATH, the App & the Portal
- Install the App
- Add your Roaster
- Connecting RoastPATH & your Roaster
- Troubleshooting a Connection between RoastPATH & your Roaster
Greens & Coffees
The Roast Screen
- Set your Roaster & your Coffee
- Events: Marking, Unmarking & Moving
- Charge your Drum
- Saving your Profiles
- Recording Fan, Fuel & Drum Speed
- Targets & Favorites
Managing & Sharing Profiles
- Sharing Profiles
- Live Broadcasting
- Viewing Saved Profiles
- Downloading / Exporting Profiles Individually
- Downloading / Exporting multiple Profiles at once
- Importing Profiles